
















1. Micro Magnets
3. Diagnostic Stick/Probe
5. Flexible Acupressure Ring
7. Foot Roller
9. Sinus Cure Device
12. Electro Point Finder/Stimulator
2. Surgical Paper Tapes
4. Pencil Jimmy
6. Hand Roller (Karela)/Acupressure Ball
8. Thumb Pad
10. Pyramid Plate
11. Spine Roller (Mouse)



Description and Use

Numerous varieties of magnets of various sizes, shapes and potency are used in magnet/acupressure therapy. Presently, the Sansthan uses ten types of micro magnets for acupressure therapy.

  1. Star Magnet (Medium/Standard).  A small magnet with its North Pole side circular shaped and South Pole side star shaped. Diameter - approximately 5 mm. Used for balancing the energy in the required part of the body. When applied, the star of the magnet should touch the body skin.
  1. Star Magnet (Large).  It is the same as star magnet (standard) with the difference that it is slightly larger in size with a diameter of approximately 7 mm. It is used for classical Chinese points which are bigger in size, for byol points on the palms, feet and fingers with greater inter point distance, for EAV points and where greater magnetic power is required.
  1. Star Magnet (Small).  It is the same as star magnet (standard) with the difference that it is slightly smaller in size with a diameter of approximately 3.5 mm. It is used when the energy points on the body surface are smaller, for example, smaller fingers of ladies/children, toes of feet, etc. and where lesser magnetic power is required.
  1. Byol Magnet (Medium/Standard). A circular, dual polarity small magnet. Diameter – approximately 5 mm. Its one side is painted white and the other side painted yellow. This type of magnet is used for tonification/sedation, i.e., increasing/decreasing of energy level in the required part of the body. For carrying out tonification, the yellow side of the magnet (North pole) should be touching the body skin and the white side should be visible to the eyes after application. For carrying out sedation, the white side of the magnet (South pole) should touch the body skin and the yellow side should be visible to the eyes after application.
Star Magnets

Large                              Standard                                Small

  1. Byol Magnet (Large).  It is the same as byol magnet (standard) with the difference that it is slightly larger in size with a diameter of approximately 7 mm. It is used for tonification/sedation of classical Chinese points which are bigger in size, for byol points on the palms, feet and fingers with greater inter point distance, for EAV points and where greater magnetic power is required.
  1. Byol Magnet (Small).  It is the same as byol magnet (standard) with the difference that it is slightly smaller in size with a diameter of approximately 3.5 mm. It is used for tonification/sedation of energy points on the body surface, which are smaller, for example, smaller fingers of ladies/children, toes of feet, etc and where lesser magnetic power is required.
White Byol Magnets for Tonification
Large                   Standard                  Small

Large                   Standard                  Small

Yellow Byol Magnets for Sedation


  1. Chakra Magnet (Medium/Standard). It is a circular, two-piece magnet with the overall diameter of approximately 11 mm. The outer magnet has a hole in the center, making it ring shaped. It is painted white on one side and yellow on the other side. The standard byol magnet fits into the central hole of this ringed magnet. Tonification occurs when the yellow side of the central byol magnet along with white side of outer ring touches the body skin. Sedation occurs when the white side of the central byol magnet along with yellow side of outer ring touches the body skin. This type of magnet is used for tonification/sedation of ‘yogic’ chakras and for classical acu points requiring greater magnetic power than the byol magnets. This magnet can also be used for byol points in certain circumstances.
  1. Chakra Magnet (Large).  It is the same as chakra magnet (standard) with the difference that it is slightly larger in size with the overall diameter of approximately 14 mm. The large sized byol magnet fits into the central hole of the outer ringed magnet. This magnet is used for tonification/sedation of ‘grah’ chakras No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and on classical Chinese points where still greater magnetic energy is required.
  1. Chakra Magnet (Small).  It is the same as chakra magnet (standard) with the difference that it is slightly smaller in size with the overall diameter of approximately 9 mm. The small sized byol magnet fits into the central hole of the outer ringed magnet. This magnet is used for tonification/sedation of ‘yogic’ chakras and classical acu points in the case of children.
Chakra Magnets for Sedation
Large                       Standard                   Small

Large                       Standard                   Small

Chakra Magnets for Tonification


  1. Cluster Magnet (Star) In few types of treatment, clusters of four or five star magnets need to be applied on the acu points. The therapist places one star magnet in the center of the acu point and the remaining star magnets around the central star magnet. For the convenience of therapists, pre fixed cluster of four/five star magnets glued on to a plastic surface have been designed and do away with the need for therapists to form their own clusters.
Cluster Magnets (Star)

Cluster of Five – Plus Shaped      Cluster of Six – Flower Shaped


These magnets are fixed on the palms, fingers, feet, toes or other body parts for various duration of time as decided by the acupressure therapist. The magnets are fixed on the body parts with the help of adhesive, surgical paper tapes.


Byol and chakra magnets should be used only under the guidance/directions of a trained acupressure therapist for a specified period of time. Star magnet is relatively safe and may be used without guidance. In all cases, the magnets should be removed immediately on appearance of any adverse symptom, i.e., discomfort, heaviness, pain or numbness in head or any body part, nausea, uneasiness, sudden change in blood pressure, body temperature, etc.





These come as adhesive, paper tape rolls and are in two sizes. The thin tape is half inch broad and the thick tape is one inch broad. These are easily available at any chemist shop.


One Inch Surgical Paper Tape         Half Inch Surgical Paper Tape



Used to fix magnets or seeds over a body part.


Tear off the required length of paper tape from its roll. Fix the required magnet/seed over its adhesive portion and then place the tape over the required body part. Press firmly the tape so that it does not subsequently come off.


Avoid frequent washing of the affected body part as the tape may come off. If inevitable, dry the tape with a piece of cloth immediately after it gets wet. Be careful in removing the tape over a hairy area of the body so that the hair does not come off along with the tape. Do not use synthetic/cello tape in place of the paper tape as this may cause skin disease of the affected part.




A simple metallic stick of approximately 10 cm length. Its both ends are rounded off, one end being slightly bigger than the other. In its deluxe model, a long, cylindrical, movable ring with serrations is mounted on the central part of the stick.

Diagnostic Stick/Probe

General Model                                              Deluxe Model



Used to diagnose sensitive acu points. Also used to treat these very points. The probe can also be used to give a generalized massage on any part of the body.


Move the rounded end of the probe over the required search area of palms, fingers, feet or toes with uniform pressure. The most sensitive point will respond with a typical, sharp pain and is the acu point. To treat the acu point, press the same with the probe for the required length of time. For giving generalized massage, roll the probe along its length over the required part of the body.


Apply just adequate pressure. Sharp pressure may cause intolerable pain to the patient. The skin may also tear in case the same is very thin.




A wooden stick of approximately 14-15 cm length and an average diameter of approximately 1.5 cm. Its both ends are rounded off. One end is thick while the other end is pointed. Most of the length of the jimmy is serrated.

Pencil Jimmy



Just like the diagnostic probe, used to diagnose sensitive acu points but which are bigger in size. Also used to treat these very points. The jimmy can also be used to give a generalized massage on any part of the body.


Move the rounded end of the jimmy over the search area of the body with uniform pressure. The most sensitive point will respond with a typical, sharp pain and is the acu point. To treat the acu point, press the same with the jimmy for the required length of time. Use the serrated portion along the length of the jimmy to roll over the required body part to give generalized acupressure treatment.


Apply just adequate pressure. Sharp pressure may cause intolerable pain to the patient.




A thick, flexible, metallic ring of approximately 10 mm inner diameter, 25 mm outer diameter and 7.5 mm thickness. The ring comprises of many strands of metallic wire.

Flexible Acupressure Ring


Used to stimulate energy points on fingers and toes to give generalized or specific acupressure treatment.


Roll the ring over the finger/toe from the base to the tip several times with adequate and uniform pressure. For generalized treatment, roll the ring over all ten fingers or over all twenty fingers/toes for better results. Roll over each finger for about half to one minute. Perform two or three times a day. For specific treatment, roll over the specified finger/toe or over the specified joint of a finger/toe.


Never wear the ring in a finger or toe for any length of time. The ring is meant to be moving along the fingers/toes and is not to be left in place or else it will hamper blood circulation.





The hand roller (karela)/acupressure ball comes in various shapes and sizes and is made of wood, plastic or any other hard material. The current versions with the Sansthan are made of wood. The hand roller is approximately 13-14 cm long and has an average diameter of approximately 3.5 cm. The acupressure ball has an approximately diameter of 6 cm. Both the items have got sharp teeth all along their surface.


Hand Roller (Karela) Acupressure Ball


Used to give generalized acupressure treatment on the palms.


Roll the hand roller (karela)/acupressure ball over the palm on both its front and back or as required. Alternately, grip the instrument in the fist and hold for 20 to 40 seconds at a time. About five minutes treatment is adequate.

or three times a day. For specific treatment, roll over the specified finger/toe or over the specified joint of a finger/toe.


Roll or press with just adequate pressure. Avoid too hard a pressure or else the skin may get damaged.





It comes in various shapes and sizes and is made of wood, plastic or any other hard material. The current version with the Sansthan is made of wood. The foot roller is approximately 28 cm long and has an average diameter of approximately 4-5 cm. It has got sharp teeth all along its surface.

Foot Roller


Used to give generalized acupressure treatment on the feet.


Sit comfortably on a chair/stool. Place the foot roller on the ground below the feet. Press and roll both the feet on the foot roller forward and backward for about 5 minutes.


Press and roll with just adequate pressure. Avoid too hard a pressure or else the skin may get damaged.





This is a flexible rubber/plastic pad of about 3.5 cm by 2 cm size, with pointed and hard bristles fixed at one end and a strap that can be tied around the thumb.


Thumb Pad
Strapped Position           Opened Out



It is used to apply pressure on various parts of the palm or feet to give general/specific acupressure treatment.


Simply strap the device around the thumb and press the bristled end of the pad on the required part of the palm or feet for the required length of time.


Apply moderate pressure. Do not apply too hard a pressure that may cause distress to the subject.






The device consists of two long plastic bars, inter connected with three metallic springs. The outer surfaces of both the bars have numerous, small rounded projections on them. It is a handy device that can easily be put in the pocket; hence a key ring is often attached for the convenience of the user.


As per reflexology branch of acupressure, sinus points are located on the tips of all the fingers. This device is used to provide acupressure treatment for all types of sinus disorders by applying pressure on the tips of fingers.


Hold the device in the palm of any one hand in such a manner that one bar is resting in the center of the palm and the tips of fingers on the outer surface of the other bar. Now, try to resting in the center of the palm and the tips of fingers on the outer surface of the other bar. Now, try to compress the springs using both the palm and the fingers. Most of the pressure will be felt by tips of the fingers, thus stimulating the sinus points. Hold the spring in compressed position for about 20 to 40 seconds. Repeat the operation two or three times. Now, perform the operation with the other hand. Do twice or thrice in a day.


Sinus Cure Device


Do not hold the spring in a compressed position for more than 20 to 40 seconds at a time. Do not compress so hard as to cause distress.




A square shaped plastic plate of size approximately 30 cm by 30 cm with a thickness of approximately 2 cm. Its central portion is about 3 cm thick. The top surface of the plate is covered fully by numerous, sharp edged, pyramid shaped projections. Few small sized magnets are also fixed on certain models.

Pyramid Plate


The device is used for general acupressure treatment or toning of the whole body through application of pressure on soles of feet, thereby stimulating energy points of the whole body.


Stand erect on the pyramid plate. Raise and lower alternately one foot at a time 6?- 9? off the plate (known as mark time in the military). Perform daily for about 5 minutes each in morning and evening. If pain is experienced on the soles upon placing them on the plate, put a cloth piece on the plate surface. With some practice, it will be possible to remove the cloth piece after a few days.


Do not perform on a completely empty or full stomach.




A wooden or plastic device about 17-18 cm long with four wheels attached to its bottom, just like the wheels of a toy car. The front two wheels are fixed about 2.5 cm apart and have a width/thickness of about 4-8 mm. The wheel diameter is about 5-6 cm. The rear two wheels have similar dimensions. The body of the device on the top is hollow shaped so that it can be gripped easily with the hand. The whole device looks somewhat like a mouse and hence it is often referred to as mouse.

Spine Roller – Top View                                              Side View



The device is used to give general spine acupressure treatment to tone the complete nervous system of the body. As we know, peripheral nerves emerge from the spinal column and reach out to all parts of the body. Even the slightest disorder of a peripheral nerve affect the functioning of the corresponding part of the body being supplied by that particular nerve. It has been seen that general spine acupressure treatment using this device is greatly beneficial to improve the functioning of the nervous system. In most cases, spine treatment has immediate effect in alleviating minor diseases and painful conditions of the body. Its use over a number of days is also helpful in alleviating major diseases. A person feels greatly refreshed and invigorated after a session of spine treatment and is thus extremely useful in alleviating fatigue.


A person cannot perform this treatment on one’s own and needs the assistance of a therapist or a knowledgeable helper. To perform the treatment, the subject should lie down straight on his/her abdomen on a flat, hard surface, preferably on a table. The legs should be in contact and be fully stretched. The arms should be by the side of the body. The head should be straight and be resting on the chin.

The therapist should now perform spine treatment as per the following steps:

  • Place the spine roller on the upper end of the subject’s neck in such a way that the wheels are equally on either side of the vertebrae.
  • Press down the device with moderate force once or twice.
  • Roll down the device 1.5 cm to 3 cm and again press down the device once or twice.
  • Continue the process of rolling and pressing down the roller till it has reached the last vertebra, i.e., the coccyx (tail bone). The spine treatment is now complete.

The process can be repeated once or twice as per requirement.  


  • The pressure applied should always be moderate. Too hard a pressure may damage the spine whereas too light a pressure may not have the desired effect. Instruct the subject to immediately inform if the desired pressure is incorrect.
  • The spine roller must be centered all the time, i.e., the wheels must be equally on either side of the spine or else, the vertebrae might get damaged.
  • The device must always be rolled down starting from the neck and terminating at the coccyx. It must never be rolled up from the coccyx to the neck.
  • The treatment should be taken on light stomach, i.e. neither heavy nor empty. Avoid taking the treatment for at least two hours after a meal.
  • Do not repeat the steps more than twice, i.e., not more than three steps. One treatment a day is adequate.




The device comes in three parts, i.e., the main instrument, out put leads and an electric adapter. The main instrument, i.e., the electro point finder/stimulator has an approximate dimension of 8 cm by 6 cm by 2.5 cm. It has a regulator in its center to control the output voltage/current. Markings from zero to ten are etched around the regulator knob. Each marking indicates .4 volt and the ten markings indicate a total of 4 volts. Just below the regulator are located two switches side by side.

Electro Point Finder/Stimulator


The Left side switch is marked as ‘Pulse’. It has two positions marked as + (plus) and – (minus). When on plus, the instrument gives out continuous direct current (DC). When on minus, it gives out intermittent alternate current (AC). The Right side switch is marked as ‘Polarity’ and has as similar marking of + (plus) and – (minus). When on plus, the instrument gives the optimum out put of 4 volts and when on minus, its output is halved to 2 volts. There is a socket in the middle of the two switches meant to insert the output lead, i.e., the output socket. There is another socket on the side of the instrument to insert the input lead from the adapter, i.e., the input socket.

The out put lead has one wire at one of its end and two wires at the other end. The one-ended wire is meant to be inserted into the output socket of the main instrument. The two-ended wires have separate metallic leads attached to them. One is thick and elongated earthing lead and is meant for earthing the current. The other is thin and elongated point finder/stimulator lead and is meant to find/stimulate the acu points.

The electric adapter is meant to convert the main 220 volts alternate current (AC) to 4 volts direct current (DC). It is meant to be plugged directly into the mains socket. A wire from the adapter gets plugged into the input socket of the main instrument. The main instrument works either on its internal cell batteries or through the mains. When working on the batteries, there is no need to use the adapter.


The device is a multi purpose apparatus meant for diagnostic and treatment purposes. In its diagnostic role, it detects a disease, often before its symptoms become manifest. In treatment role, it treats the acu points by their electrical stimulation.


Connect the output lead to the main instrument. Connect the input lead from the adapter if it is desired to draw current from the mains. Place the thick earthing lead of the two-ended wire in between any two fingers of any one hand, say, the earthing hand. The other thin point finder/stimulator lead is now available to find/stimulate points on the other hand, say, the active hand.

For diagnostic purpose, the ‘Pulse’ switch should be kept at the plus position, i.e., on continuous current. The ‘Polarity’ switch should also be kept at plus position, i.e., at 4 volts. The regulator should be switched on. The therapist should now move the point finder lead with his/her one hand firmly over various assessed/estimated acu points in turn on the patient’s active hand to determine their sensitivity to electrical current. The therapist’s other hand should be holding the regulating knob and moving it gradually from position 1 towards position 10.

As soon as current passes from the lead to the acu point, the patient will show a reaction in the form of a hand jerk, gesture or facial expression. The therapist should note the reading of the regulator at this point of time. If the reading at this point of time shows between 1 to 5, it indicates a degenerative/chronic, i.e., yin disease. If the reading shows between 6 to 10, it indicates an acute, i.e., yang disease. If there is no disease, the acu point will not be sensitive and current will not pass from the lead to the acu point. The name of the disease is determined based on the sensitivity of various selected points.

Instead of starting the process from marking of 1, time could possibly be saved by initially keeping the regulator at the marking of 6 or 7 and which could be taken in either direction depending on the patient’s reaction.

Once the disease is diagnosed and treatment acu points selected, the instrument can be used for treatment by stimulating these very acu points. Treatment procedure is almost similar to the diagnostic procedure except that the ‘Pulse’ switch is now kept at the minus position to provide intermittent current. If the patient is unable to tolerate the intensity of the current, the ‘Polarity’ switch should also be put into minus position. This will reduce the intensity of current to half. All the required acu points should thus be stimulated in turn.


Sensitivity to current depends upon intensity of the disorder as also it varies from person to person. During diagnosis phase, do not linger on a point once its purpose is served as it may cause unnecessary distress to the patient. Similarly, during treatment phase, do not give more current than what a patient can comfortably tolerate.